Needs to Reintroduce Excitement in Sex Life - Funny Adult Joke


Posted on : Monday, March 29, 2010 | In : ,

A guy complains to his doctor that his sex life is deteriorating rapidly. The doctor tells him he needs to reintroduce excitement, guilt and so on into the process. 

He ponders this for a few days and hatches a plan.
"Well," he says to the doctor "A week ago, I did everything you suggested. The boss let me leave work an hour early. I sped home and I skidded all the way up the driveway. I slammed open the door, charged into the house and found Sheila in the living room. I stripped her naked and we went to it on the coffee table."

"And did you enjoy it?" asked the doctor enthusiastically.

"Well," says the guy slowly and thoughtfully, "somewhat, but the Bible group was kind of surprised."

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